
Art and Philosophy of the Spirit 

Pub: Atropos Press, Dresden/New York, 2020

Janis Lander PhD has written a handy reference to assist people with meditation practices, including guidelines for assessing teachers, tips for dealing with common problems, and a context for unsettling experiences. 

The narrow focus of spiritual systems is defined as knowledge acquired within a theoretical framework of energy structures and consciousness. 

Lander explores standard methods and predictable outcomes in both Western and Eastern spiritual systems, seeking a common thread and a broad vision. Spiritual art is examined as an iconography for philosophical concepts. 

The book is based on twenty-five years of practice and teaching, and Dr Lander has previously published her research with Routledge/Taylor & Francis, New York. The author is presenting ancient knowledge reconsidered in light of 21st century science and technology. 

ISBN 978-1-940813-33-2

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